Escopo de fornecimento

ZL 1-4 (sem motor de partida)

Standard scope of supply ZL 1 (VSD) ZL 2 (VSD) ZL 3 (VSD) ZL 4 (VSD) ZL 5 (VSD) ZL 6 (VSD)
Air circuit Air inlet filter
Inlet pulsation damper
Oil-free lobe element
Start-up valve ✓*
Safety valve
Combined Start-up valve / Safety valve
Check valve
Discharge pulsation damper
Outlet compensator (stainless steel)
Outlet air flange DIN or ANSI
Outlet rubber connection
Oil circuit Supplied oil-filled
Splash lubricated element bearings & gears
Motor IE3 induction motor, TEFC IP55
IE4 75-90 kW
IE4 75-200 kW
Mechanical Pulley & belt
Automatic belt tensioning system
Belt cover inside the canopy
Bodywork Sound attenuating canopy
Package vibration isolators
Base frame with forklift slots

ZL 1-2 (com motor de partida VSD)

Standard scope of supply ZL 1 VSD ZL 1 ZL 2 VSD ZL 2
Choice between: Mechanical Elektronikon® Mechanical Elektronikon® Mechanical Elektronikon® Mechanical Elektronikon®
Monitoring and control Pressure gauge and filter indicator
VSD inverter, EMC – and RFI filter, TT/TN net
Y/D starter
Sensors discharge pressure & temperature
Flow control via 4-20 mA (external source)
LAN or internet control/monitoring

ZL 3-4 (com motor de partida VSD)

Standard scope of supply ZL 3 VSD ZL 3 ZL 4 VSD ZL 4
Choice between: Mechanical Elektronikon® Mechanical Elektronikon® Mechanical Elektronikon® Mechanical Elektronikon®
Monitoring and control Pressure gauge and filter indicator
VSD inverter, EMC – and RFI filter, TT/TN net
Y/D starter
Sensors discharge pressure & temperature
Flow control via 4-20 mA (external source)
LAN or internet control/monitoring


Certificado de teste


Controlador Elektronikon Mk5

Flange DIN / ANSI

Motor de opção completa

Tampa de correia dentro da carenagem

Cabine externa

Pára-faíscas (com certificação ATEX)

Aprovação de UL

Caixa de madeira para transporte

Opções estão disponíveis para todos os tamanhos de estrutura.